And I, praise be to G-d, am going to Eretz Yisrael, the Holy Land,
which all long to see,
the delight of all Israel, and the delight of HaShem Yisborach,
Vilna Gaon
Is it any wonder that Yamin Yisrael is uncompromising on Eretz Yisrael?
We stand on the principle that this Holy Land belongs to G-d, and that
we are only His tenants. Everywhere, this Land that we love is permeated
with the memory of our forefathers. How can we possibly forsake any
part of this Land? Do we not feel the Jewish People’s 2000 year-old
yearning to return to this Land? Do we not know that that this Land
prospers under the loving care of the Jewish People? Do we not know
that this Land is the source of the profoundest wisdom? Hence we
declare that Eretz Yisrael is not only the eternal patrimony of the Jewish
People, but that this Land is God’s home, where He will make His Presence
known if we are but worthy.
There can be no negotiations over this Land. Oh foolish people:
Once we take this perfidious path we are lost. We shall have aroused
the contempt of our enemies, who will then see Jews as weak, devoid of
conviction, frauds. And they shall murder us for our perfidy.
Know well that the conflict over this Land is not over territory, as
superficial politicians and pundits want to believe. No, the conflict is
a metaphysical one, and the issue is whether the Torah or Islam embodies
the Truth.
Yes, the issue is nothing less than Truth. That is what directs
the efforts of Yamin Yisrael, We take our name, “Yamin,” not from
the political right, but from the metaphysical right.
Our party identifies with the Right Hand that liberated
the Jewish people from bondage (Exodus 15:6). Ours is the party that
seeks to liberate the Jewish people from the bondage of false ideas and
flawed institutions. A leveling democracy has eroded Jewish national
pride and purpose. A democracy without reverence is undermining the
Covenant of Sinai. We are paying the price with Oslo’s Covenant of
Know well that a democracy without vision is robbing us of our homeland,
our religious nationality, our world-historical mission, Know
well that this democracy has emasculated and sickened our people.
Yamin Israel is the one party that grasps the full complexity of this
malaise and how it may be overcome. This is why YAMIN is the
party of Israel’s future!