
Nov 22nd
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Yamin Israel congratulates Knesset Members Dr. Yuval Steinitz and Michael Kleiner for their courage in demanding that the Government declare war on Arafat’s Palestinian Authority (PA).  Arafat’s criminal army has murdered almost 600 Jews, has wounded and crippled thousands more, has shelled and terrorized Jewish communities. It will continue to kill Jews until it is utterly defeated and disarmed.

Dr. Steinitz, the chairman of a Knesset subcommittee on defense and planning, has wisely pointed out that a cease-fire will not bring true security to Israel.  The Government must eradicate the root cause of the war being waged against the Jewish people: Arafat and his expanding army of 60,000 terrorists.

Yamin Israel also congratulates former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who has called upon the Government to abrogate the Oslo agreement.

This agreement, constantly violated by Arafat and the PA, has not only destroyed Jewish life; it has also undermined Israel’s deterrent power vis-a-vis terrorist states such as Syria, Iraq, and Iran. Those responsible for Oslo should be barred from public office (to say the least), as they would be in any genuine democracy.

Yamin Israel has a Jewish and democratic alternative to Oslo. But first the Government must disarm Arafat, the most ruthless and implacable enemy of the Jewish people.