The UJC of North America (United Jewish Communities Israel Emergency campaign) is currently embarking on a massive campaign aimed at helping Israel (their goal is to raise 300 million dollars) - BUT..... not one penny is slated for Yesha (Judea, Samaria and Gaza).
It is ironic that while the Arab terrorists do not differentiate between Jews from Yesha and Jews from Tel Aviv, Haifa, Petach Tikva, Jewish organizations from America do so!
We understand that the UJC is currently debating whether or not to change that policy. Women in Green urge you all to let them know; that they should not think twice, but rather change their policy immediately in order to help Jews no matter where they live.
Below is the story from Arutz 7 on the issue as well as contact info for the UJC.
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From Arutz 7:
Leaders of four streams of North American Jewry gathered for a press conference in New York earlier this week to announce their endorsement and support for the United Jewish Communities (UJC) Israel Emergency Campaign. The UJC represents 189 Jewish Federations and 400 independent communities across North America. Arutz-7's Josh Hasten notes that although individual Federations in the U.S. have raised funds for interests in Yesha (Judea, Samaria, and Gaza), UJC policy currently does not permit funding for humanitarian projects in Yesha.
That policy may soon change, however. A Yesha Council spokesman told Arutz-7 today that the UJC is planning to earmark funds in its 2002-03 budget to help Yesha victims of terror and their families. The spokesman said that final negotiations between the Council and the Jewish Agency in Israel, representing the UJC, are currently taking place to push the policy changes through.
The UJC established its Israel Emergency Campaign - entitled "We Stand with Israel Now and Forever" - last month in response to the humanitarian and financial needs of Israelis living under the constant threat of Arab terror. North American Jewry has so far pledged over $120 million to the campaign, the goal of which is to raise over $300 million. Earlier this month, the UJC announced that funds would be directed to areas of critical need in Israel, including providing assistance to hundreds of terror victims and their families and other emergency services including providing ambulances providing hospitals with ambulances. Despite this wording, current UJC policy, as mentioned above, does not include Yesha projects in the funding efforts.
Below is contact information for the UJC offices in America and Israel. We would encourage everyone to contact the following UJC leaders and let them know that you believe that the UJC should start funding Jews in need, no matter where they live. There is no need to be rude, just simply tell whomever you speak with, that all Jews bleed red and deserve the full support of North American Jewry.
James S. Tisch, Chairman of the Board
United Jewish Communities
111 8th Ave
New York, New York 10011
phone: 212-284-6500
fax: 212-284-6835
In Israel:
Mr. Nachman Shai, Director
United Jewish Communities
1 Ibn Gvirol Street
P.O. Box 7171
Jerusalem 91071, Israel
phone (011-972) 2-620-2003
fax: 02-625-4674
91072 Israel
Tel. 02-624-9887
Fax: 02-624-5380
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