
Dec 23rd
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Звезда не активнаЗвезда не активнаЗвезда не активнаЗвезда не активнаЗвезда не активна
Women In Green

US Ambassador Daniel Kurtzer, Fax 03-517.3227
Dear U.S. Ambassador Kurtzer:

    As an American Citizen I protest against your recent statement criticizing Israel for spending monies on developing the Jewish areas of Gaza, and Judea and Samaria, rather than giving these monies to protesting disabled citizens. Not only is this blatant interference in the internal domestic affairs of Israel, but such an expressed view is at odds with the religious beliefs of many of Israel's citizens.

    It is puzzling to us how you as a religious Jew can be defiant of the God of Israel! If this indeed is the Promised Land, how can Judea, Samaria and Gaza, which is part and parcel of what the Lord promised to the Jewish People, not be settled by Jews! And how can a Jewish State not lend its support to the growth and development of any part of their Promised Land?

    Have you ever read what former Under Secretary of State Eugene Rostow wrote on this subject? He is a former professor of mine at the Yale Law School, who helped formulate the language of UN Security Council Resolution 242! He  said, as did former US President Ronald Reagan, that the Jews have a legal right to live in all parts of Judea, Samaria and Gaza, which is part and parcel of their ancient historical homeland.

    At a time when the Jewish People are being attacked both verbally and physically by Arabs, it is inappropriate of you to speak out against the Israel Government's financial support of Jews living in Judah, Samaria and the Gaza Strip, meager as it is. You will not be loved more by the Arabs for having said it, nor will they ever trust you under any circumstances. Arafat is investing millions that he gets from America in the purchase of lethal armament meant to attack and destroy our country. Yet you completely ignore that happening, and instead only voice criticism of Israel. It was a cheap shot, and not in the interest of America, whom you are supposed to represent.
Michael Levi Matar, Administrator

WiG, POB 7352, JERUSALEM, 91072 Israel, Tel 02-624-9887, Fax 02-624.5380

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