
Dec 22nd
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Звезда не активнаЗвезда не активнаЗвезда не активнаЗвезда не активнаЗвезда не активна
Dear Friends in the U.S.A. and elsewhere,

You have heard this man. You have seen this man. You have read about this man. You know that this man in an enthusiastic supporter and eager advocate of the murderous Arab terrorists. Maybe you had even committed the reprehensible and unpardonable sin of voting for this man. But even you might be astonished by a recent statement of this despicable villain.

James Earl Carter, former President of the U.S., granted recently an interview to a German newspaper [1]. Carter stated decisively and unequivocally that Israel did not have "any legal or moral justification" to take action after it was attacked in July 2006.

Evidently, Carter thinks that there is no reason whatsoever to get excited over murdered Jews. This disgusting villain, who trots the globe as a self-proclaimed "humanitarian", never missed an opportunity to express his anti-Semitic positions.

Carter then stated that he "can imagine Germans taking part" in the international force in Lebanon and that "would be certainly satisfactory to me personally".

When the surprised interviewer mentioned the "history" of German soldiers, the repulsive creature retorted by stating that "ENOUGH TIME HAS PASSED SO THAT HISTORICAL FACTS CAN BE IGNORED".

The Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stated repeatedly that the Holocaust had never occurred!

The American President James Earl Carter declared that the Holocaust should be ignored!

May these two disgusting creatures soon cease to contaminate this planet with their venomous existence.

You are KINDLY ENCOURAGED TO FORWARD this letter to your friends and colleagues. Permission is granted to forward this letter "AS IS".


Haim Goldman

Reference [1] "DER SPIEGEL, "The US and Israel Stand Alone", 15.08.06 HYPERLINK: " piegel/0,1518,431793,00.html"

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