
Jan 10th
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Saddam Hussein was a symbol of defiance to the power of the U.S. and the free world in general. He mocked the first President Bush and the present one and really thought he could get away with it. The first time he really did get away with it,  and I have a feeling that were it not for the horror of 9/11, he would have succeeded again/ And to be perfectly frank, it is too early to be certain that he will not succeed again. Okay, great, we got the murderous dictator. It has been reported that he has been offered a deal. Tell where he is hiding the weapons of mass destruction and he will spend life in prison rather than be executed. Nice try. How come no one offered him a Nobel Prize for chutzpa? Does anyone honestly expect that he will be executed? No way.

Let's take a look at Israel. She has in her custody a far greater criminal than Saddam, yet she is forbidden to assassinate him or even to bring him to trial and then execute him. Why? Bush has already agreed that he is personna-non-grata (not to mention a major terrorist murderer). What makes Arafat so special? It should also be pointed out that he is great friends with Saddam. He and all of his PLO cohorts are devastated at the news that Saddam has been captured.  Although President Bush appeared very pleased as he announced the good news, I don't really think that he can honestly believe that now Iraq will turn into an oasis of democracy.  And, I daresay, I sincerely doubt that Saddam will suffer serious punishment either. Saddam did not knock off the twin towers, and we still didn't find the MWD. But, what is more significant, I do not think Saudi Arabia would be too happy to see a fellow Islamic fanatic dictator demeaned any more than he already has been. You see, the war against terror does have its limitations. Arafat is off limits. It will be very interesting to see how Saddam squirms his way out of this one. And he will.

George Bush has turned a blind eye to the Bible and developed a "vision" of a two state solution for Israel because Saudi Arabia is blackmailing him. He is keeping Arafat safe for the same reason. And it is also for this same reason that Saddam cannot and will not be executed. Were the President of the United States truly his own man, he would have Saddam tried and executed and place his own puppet Islamic government over Iraq. If he doesn't do this then Iraq will simply be taken over by some other Islamic dictator who is not likely to be friendly to the United States. Were he sincere in his war against terror, and not under the thumb of Saudi petro-dollars, not only would he not tie the hands of the Israeli government, he would encourage Jewish settlement in all of the Land of Israel, especially Judea, Samaria and Gaza, and he would declare Arafat and the PA or PLO the terrorists that they are, giving Israel the green light to eliminate them.

Unfortunately, his war against terror is little more than a facade. Bush has failed to muster the personal courage to stand up to the evil by sounding the alarm to Jew and Gentile alike, and to open our eyes to the G-dly process that is presently underway, and to work to support it. We dare not stand idly on the sidelines.

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