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Now come on already. If your Foreign Minister, it doesn't matter which country, bribed a prominent Norwegian to win a Nobel Prize, the scandal would ruin him and he'd be out of office in a day. Right? So how does Shimon Peres do it? Last week, Yoav Yitzhak, in the wide circulation newspaper Maariv, revealed that Peres gave Terje Larsen, the UN Middle East representative, $100,000 to secure him a Nobel Prize. He also revealed that the Peres Peace Center largely exists to give Oslo and Rabin criminals like Carmi Gillon, Uri Savir and Ron Pundak lots of money to keep their mouths shut. This week, David Bedein, writing in Makor Rishon, applied the coup de grace. He interviewed a member of the Nobel Prize Committee, Kaare Kristiansen, who not just confirmed the bribe but described Larsen's pressure on the committee in full detail. So why isn't this the international scandal of the decade? Why is the media letting Peres, Larsen, the Nobel Committee and Norway off the hook? And for that matter, how come Yossi Beilin, who appointed Larsen his personal Oslo negotiator, isn't being pressed hard to explain why he brought that crook into our home? Well, I'm not letting the matter drop. I went looking to find out why Norway, through Beilin and Peres, appointed its finest criminals to wreck Israel and I hit gold. From The Middle East Intelligence Digest, Vol. 7, No. 5, May, 1996:

"The Norway Connection"

"Twenty five years ago he committed himself to wiping Israel from the face of the Middle East. On May 13, Norwegian Foreign Minister Bjorn Tere Godal arrived to see the deployment of Norwegian 'peacekeeping' troops in Hebron - to oversee the beginning of the end of Jewish rule over the first Jewish city. "On May 4, the Norwegian newspaper Dagen exposed a 25 year old commitment by leading figures in Norway's ruling Labor Party to support and facilitate the demise of a sovereign Jewish Israel, and to establish in its place a secular, liberal Palestinian state. "The report showed that Norwegian Labor Party leaders agree with Arafat's ultimate aim: the removal of the Jewish state in the Middle East. "Twenty five years ago, the man who is today's Minister of Foreign Affairs committed the Labor Party Youth wing to removing Israel from the Middle East, thus paving the way for the Oslo Accords. By giving Norway the 'honor' of hosting the secret talks with the PLO, Israel in its thirst for peace, played into the hands of those committed to its dissolution. "Dagen centered its report on revelations in a book by Haaken Lie, a former secretary-general of Norway's Labor Party and a strong friend of Israel. "Lie revealed that in the 1971 Labor Youth Organization (AUF) convention, chairman Bjorn Tere Godal approved the following resolution: 'The AUF will support the forces which struggle for the national and social liberation of the Palestinian people. The qualification for lasting peace must be that Israel ceases to exist as a Jewish state, and that a progressive Palestinian state is established where all ethnic groups can live side by side in complete equality.' "Godal is today, Norway's minister of foreign affairs and a strong advocate of a Palestinian state. When confronted with his words, he told Dagen, 'It is irrelevant what I meant at that point because the situation has changed.' "Dagen traced the first resolution by the AUP and how it was pursued in the ensuing years by Various Labor Party politicians such as Thorvald Stoltenberg, Knut Frydenlund and (then) Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland. "Stoltenberg was foreign minister when the secret Israel-PLO talks began in January 1993. He was also the brother-in-law of the late Johan Joergen Holst, foreign minister when the Oslo Agreement was signed. Ten years before, he and then foreign minister Frydenlund visited Arafat in Tunisia, returning to persuade their Labor colleagues that, 'there is no reason to doubt Arafat's willingness to sit at the negotiating table.' "Frydenlund had wanted Arafat to visit Oslo but Swedish Prime Minister Olaf Palme changed the plan. So the chairmen of the Scandinavian Labor Parties met Arafat in Stockholm in 1983, after which Brundtland told the press, 'Arafat is a knowledgable and interesting person. I have not met with an extremist.' "Dagen recalled that the conclusion reached by Palme and by Denmark's Prime Minister Anker Jorgensen was equally clear: 'Israel was the problem preventing peace in the Middle East.' "Thus, writes Dagen, twelve years after meeting Arafat, Norway watched as Prime Minister Burndtlend 'leads Arafat by the hand on the red carpet when he comes to receive the Nobel Prize For Peace.' "Leif Wellerap, a Norwegian journalist, believes the Dagen report answers all those who have wondered why Norway involved itself so heavily in the past years in making Arafat and the PLO so politically palatable. "'For those aware of the traditionally good and friendly relationship between Israel and Norway, and specifically between Israel and the Norwegian Labor Party,' says Wellerap, 'it has been hard to understand what lay behind the efforts to clean up the Middle East's chief terrorist and turn him into a main player in what is known around the world as the Oslo process.' "'Lie makes it easier to understand what has led the Norwegian government to act as a locomotive in the process that is about to place Israel in its greatest danger since its birth. My hope is that this report will open eyes to the misery Israel is heading towards if it stays on the track, regrettably named after my country's capital.'"


It is immensely gratifying to receive confirmation that my readers actually pay attention to my writing. Many made the connection that the first person to visit Arafat after being released from his Ramallah bondage, unfortunately alive, was Pope John Paul II's personal envoy, the FRENCH Cardinal Roger Etchegaray. As one reader noted, "We know he gave Arafat his marching orders but now let's ask why the first visit abroad by Leah Rabin after her husband's murder was to this same pope." And it is even more gratifying when readers trust me enough to send me eye-witness testimony. Let us look at the EU from inside:

Shalom Barry, While I was navigating as assistant to various cabinets, I had to learn a) the structure and funcitoning of the EU institutions: the Commission, Parliament, Council. How working documents develop into laws and who interfers and negotiates on what level. I often followed a negotiation process from one cabinet to the other where I had to put myself into the opposite shoes where another member state would "cook" their position. I worked on the diplomatic level but also on technical issues like legal issues. After a year the forest of procedures started to become transparent. Also I learned how different facets of work seem to be world apart - like agriculture, enlargement, culture, budget - and overlap behind the screens into strategies. The intranet of the Commission is a huge construction, a never-ending "city" of information. b) the structures of the cabinets of the member states with their contacts in permanent representations in Brussels, governmental contacts in the countries as well as specific advisors and media (who must be channeled by priority at work). c) constantly blend into work processes that I don't have a clue about, playing "Sherlock Holmes" all the time. I must say after repeated despair of not finding the right names or documents, I now mostly instinctively link things together. When I come into an office or a computer it takes me a minimum of time to find the requested name, phone number, letter or link, it just goes like an instinct. We replacements often work under enormous pressure to perform with minimum knowledge and for the big shots we cannot afford to make mistakes or let anyone wait. Among 24 colleagues I had the ambition to fit anywhere at anytime, and they even keep me in the Italian cabinet of the President though I don't speak Italian (I just understand roughly). But I always get my job done excellently, I mostly always know who's important and who not to disturb superiors when people call or documents come in when they are on mission. I always try to put myself in the shoes of my superior and be his "second skin". In this way I know exactly what is important for him/her even when they don't explain. Last year I had about 30 different cabinet superiors of different nationalities, ranks and psychological crazes, I try to be professional like the army and concentrate on the essential. I never needed personal favors, I work by performance and personal charme, but no strings attached. I have an excellent contact with people but keep myself independant from cabinet gossips and manipulations. And I'm not alone. Actually a Christian French secretary from the Commission and me wanted to promote Christian activities from within the EU in order to seize an opportunity to let Christian values/activities have more impact. You must know, we both don't attach much value to our nationality and both think we have Jewish roots. - Besides a tired Catholic group there was not much to do. It seemed that no Christians prosper at the Institutions! We tried several things but all got stuck. Last fall we went to a "Prayer breakfast" at the Parliament with some 250 others and some Christian VIPs. It was quite impressive but still, the level was rather "kindergarden". We said, if these people are really Christians, why is there so little influence going on? A longtime friend from France, a lawyer from the noblesse who serves in an inner healing ministry got involved, following a recent call towards "politicians". We started a series of seminars and gathered a group of only ten Christians who identified their position at the Institutions as a specific priviledge and call from God to do something "FROM WITHIN". We met to get ourselves together, to "clean up" our spiritual/personal situations, to get equipped and to see what God wants. Member of the group is Paul Van Buitenen, an infamous name in Brussels. As a whistleblower he brought the last Commission down in 1999 and the whole College could go home. It was a huge scandal. At that time Paul suffered bad treatment and the story is still not finished. He worked as a small "nobody" at the anti-fraud office at that time where he discovered irregularities. Then a Christian who in my prayer group, came into contact with him and Paul started to believe in God. From then on he collected monstrous files of abuse in the Institutions and even lots of people who knew things had them land anonymously on his desk when he went out to go to toilet. After lots of resistance the whole thing exploded and the Commission went home. The soup is still cooking because he made a resume (of document which mainly stayed in a safe at a bank in the end) of 220 allegations and the time is NOW that the present Commission is supposed to clean up the rotten structures. They admitted 15 eventual irregularites so far. Paul has also written a book on this thing. While weekly praying with Maria (who accompanied Paul and his family) and Colette (the French secretary) we realised they were trying to get Paul into a deadlock. By "coincidence" I got assignments just on vital posts in cabinets that treated the matter and I saw how the machine was building a wall. But we said what God starts he can also finish and Paul's success had not been for nothing. So I spent months and months reading everything in the cabinets that passed my desk and mailbox to understand the system better. Then I got information from you and some sites on secret societies and read this stuff as much as I could. At the same time, I studied all the political matters I treated. In the end I did nothing else than prayer, work, reading and discussing mainly with Colette what I discovered - until late at nights. (You see we don't have time to talk about fashion...). I know when I sleep that my brain is processing because it keeps reconditioning daily and drastically. Working with the President I get the world press twice a day, together with press releases and reporting from within the Institions I have to "pre-read" for specific issues. There I could learn how the media works daily. My orientation point was Israel. If anything is right in politics for me it is the existence of Israel and its welfare. So whatever they say against that I know it's from the enemy and there I could see where we stand. Over weeks and weeks I learned how politics develop about Israel from close by. It actually started last fall when in October Arafat visited Prodi. I went down to the press conference and stood 3 meters from both of them. I wanted to look Arafat into his eyes. I had had the PA on the phone previously and I was disgusted how we even speak with these people. When I stood face to face with this disgusting man I was seized by an enourmous anger. My heart was beating and I was sweating and I felt I wanted to scream. I could not believe how our politicians stand with this monster. Prodi, intimidated, arms around his body, no self-assurance, not at ease. This Arafat like he was at home, and expecting everyone to bow. I could literally see blood stains on him. His mouth was so dirty. And he was just a cockroach. I went out in fury, trembling. It took me the whole afternoon to calm down. If I had had a gun and it would have been possible, I would have shot him. But then God said to me, "this is what Europe chooses and this is what they will get. It is a judgment." After that I worked for the Budget Commissioner, directly, for a longer time. We had to close the yearly budget and the Euro was coming. Then Harry Kney Tal came to see the commissioner as someone of the parliament protested that the EU finances PA terror. I received both personally (and I always pray). Both stayed unusually long. It stirred lots of wind, then Christopher Patten, commissioner for External relations, took complete side for the PA. I saw the documents explaining all the fundings. Final line was Israel had no chance. So in January I sat with Armando Varricchio, the diplomatic counsellor of the President for some two months. Even when short interruptions came in from other posts, I often returned to Varricchio just when important stuff on Israel was going on. There the cyphers and classified mail between the foreign ministries was passing through my hands. The Karine ship was caught on Jan 12. What a wind in the diplomatic forest! But you know all these exchanges looked like a baby game, for very stupid people. So what were they hiding behind all this talking? I started to discern more about the diplomatic contacts and who phoned at what moment. When Israel was bleeding in attacks, Arab ambassadors would praise EU work and we got prospects for better trade. Last fall they started to renew the pacts with the Arab states on trade, after 14 years! Suddenly everything goes so smoothly. I also understood that the very important things and people went with the least wordings: When finally Council and Parliament agreed that the damage on PA structure is equal to damage on EU structure, it was a small phrase in EU official reporting. That day I cried and explained Colette thay now the EU is OFFICIALLY in war with Israel, while the public is braindead. Because of this I also felt I should share things to someone, but I realised that nobody can be trusted, Sharon is not Sharon we thought, and who are the others (like at the embassy)? I had the impression they were all sitting in one boat. Another thing are the phone calls; When Moratinos called (official EU rep for Middle East) or from Solana. You know, secretaries like me "read" people by intuition, just by two seconds hearing a voice on the phone. I can tell you those people sounded all like dirty mafia Arabs and everywhere was conspiracy. I was sitting next to the room where cabinet members "cooked" the decisions how to put Israel under pressure, with deadlock on the trade agreements and The Hague in the future. The irony sometimes was that they wrote resolutions themselves in a meeting for confidentiality and finally gave them to me to 'quickly copy them'. This happened regularly. I always copied them one extra set which I threw into the waste bin or so and recovered it later to read it. A month ago I stopped this extra sniffling. It had been tiring because I often took risks and it was not right. Then I also had learned how to read the bigger lines and I could interpret without seeing their documents. I sometimes went to the president's secretariat where the door was open and my boss talked with the president. He didn't see me looking but I could see a lot in his face. HE was giving Prodi orders that OTHERS had given him. He was exercing power on his "boss". I could strongly feel "mind control" and fear. I see all the mail from these "Christians" who claim beside having a church or a statue damaged that they are persecuted by Israeli terror. I read the mail from the PA in Tunesia and how Egypt gets exemption on steel tariffs because of "special" relations. By the way, I also had to back up in the archives. After Christmas holidays I opened four baskets of mail for the President. Then others put the mail onto an electronic archive. I had to learn the system as well, so when I had questions about people I could look up what both sides had been writing in the past. Sometimes I even went to draw the hardcopies when I wanted to see how the letterhead of the White House looks like and how Mr. Bush signs. You must know I come from an occult background. I had travelled through this area in order to find the answers I needed for my life. I don't have anything to do with that stuff anymore but my past helps me to recognise things. I realised that the whole cabinet was "networked" with powers. In the archives, two ladies were quietly loaded, like witches. My boss the diplomat was extremely skilled in manipulation and behind his smile and manners he was executing cold pressure and fear. Other members of the cabinet were acting like puppets like under a voodoo, full of fear. The secretaries at the president are very distant as well the whole office feels like a 'witch-home'. Interesting that I could see the same pattern in all the cabinets, always where more power and influences was involved! Also interesting to pass through the corridor when heads of state or foreign ministers visit the president. Their staff and secondary advisors plus bodyguards stand infront of the door waiting. While I get my coffee I pass through the group extending my antenna's. I can tell you very loaded, and everyone drags his own atmosphere, for instance the Libanes PM compared with the Georgian PM. You just look them into the eyes by coincidence while passing by. And then before and after you have their staff on the phone, while you read the briefings the cabinets and services prepared and when they fight on changing points you understand more what is important. Then there are these political advisors that don't even appear on the EU phone list. They are everywhere in the world. Some phone and never say their name and get treated like a king. Then those in the corridors who walk around and constantly write new press releases for the newspapers or make sure that certain newspapers take a specific stand. They're all the time on their mobile, talking with I don't know whom. Lately, a Prodi and Italian government advisor got shot, Biaggi in Bologna. Prodi rushed there by plane immediately. I saw the wind it made from the corridor and the phones for my boss. And I got more and more the impression that they were all puppets and the players somewhere else... I prepared the World Economic Forum for my boss, the last G-8 in Canada, Monterrey in Mexico, to tell you a few. I read the classified briefings of our heads of delegation and their work. I started the preparation for Prodi with Bush on 3 May and learned a lot how things go. All is important, who is present, who sits where and the part where there is "no written agenda". Once I did extensive "filing" at the advisors closets. He's leaving in some months and throws the files into the closet without order. Personal protocols, handwritten minutes - and copies that are not public documents. But signed by Putin! or meetings with heads of state I never heard of. All mixed with the other briefings. I copied what I could and still have a lot to read at home. What I found was enough to confirm all these conspiracy and NWO theories I had studied in the meantime. Freemason stuff, long term strategies, the vatican. You know we have special guards in the building for the president, but before Easter all people were gone or lazy. Then sitting at desks I often see documents very briefly. As they think I don't understand the stuff they let it pass through my hands. But now that I know more I see the big network, hidden in euphemism of "sustainability" and so on. And now lots of things make sense I didn't understand before. You know, also at the presidents archives we often got letters that seemed completely peanuts. But lately I understood the freemason messages or why they speak about Hitler and so on. A certain time at Prodi about in March, it was as if a curtain went up and I could see them as they really were. It was as if I could see through the walls and through their masks. I believe the Holy Spirit is with me so I have a spiritual eye. And I saw the origin of the things coming from the spiritual world. While I saw them I strongly felt that "they" were also seeing me! So I behaved 100% correctly and low-profile and made sure that there was no opening. At that time I felt that they screen the mail and where people go on internet. I felt I did not want to show color (yet) as they would exclude me from information. I can tell you that sometimes it was frightening but I believe it must be much more frightening with all the things you are revealing to the public. How do you rest sure to survive? Ok I'm not afraid to die either. But still. Anyway, I often felt that those guys and what surrounds them is very powerful, dark and a big maskerade. One day Mr Prodi walked straight before me receiving a visitor. Suddenly I just knew he is a satanist and he just keeps a facade for the public. Now that I was stricken how much all these things you and others write are real in front of my eyes, I think there must be an assignment for me in all that. Colette and me think we should talk to those Christians who really want to wake up and make seminars. Persecution will come anyway. I feel very strongly what they are doing to the Jews now is coming to the real Christians soon. I've got to stop, sorry for my unstructured style. I love Israel and I love people who defend it. I love the truth.

*** (Bush refuses to put Syria on his terror nation list). This ties in with the Bush family interests... read the congressional report, "President Bush, Syria and Drugs". Also Lester Coleman's "On the Trail of the Octopus". Coleman talks about observing the actions of the Bush/CIA/DEA pipeline when he was a DIA agent stationed in the Middle East, on loan to the DEA. He knew the guys who infiltrated the Bush family's heroin pipeline and planted the bomb on Pan Am 103 (Lockerbie). He ran away to Sweden for asylum after writing the book. Shortly after, the Carlyle Group (a defense and medical conglomerate kind of like IG Farben that Bush works with) via its subsidiary United Defense bought Bofor's... a Swedish Defense Contractor that accounts for 40% of Sweden's GDP. Needless to say, shortly after that Coleman was handed over to the Americans and jailed. For telling the truth, Coleman's going to die in jail the same as Bush's South American drug partners Noriega and Montesinos. The heroin pipeline is the main reason why Zinni is pushing for 'Observers" and not 'Peacekeepers' on the ground. Peacekeepers will be unsophisticated 'grunts' (translate as honest citizens) who won't have the 'nuance' (translate as corruptibility) to help the Bush family poison little colored kids in the name of Ethnic superiority. Observers, on the other hand, will all be hand picked CIA people who will play ball and spy on Israel, Syria and Lebanon for the Bush cabal.


I'm always flattered when people remember my ancient work. For instance, last November I wrote that a plane full of Israelis shot down over the Black Sea was the deliberate murder of five leading microbiologists. This week three readers sent me reports from the US, Canada and Britain on the murder of a good dozen microbiologists in America during the past year. It seems like years, actually it was years, when I reported that Pres. Clinton was offered gazillions of Arab dollars if he could get Israel to sign its suicide before he left office. A reader sent a NewsMax piece proving that such bribery is the norm. Remember Jimmy Carter?: The first President who let the CFR/Tri-Lateral Commission take over his whole cabinet; The supremely moral born again Christian who oversaw the election that brought Arafat his presidency and declared it fair; But forgot to mention Arafat threatening his main rival out of the race, thus leaving a 72 year old lady with no chance of victory; Who also forgot that ballot stuffing and vote burning is illegal. Well, he was on the Arab payroll all along.

From NewsMax: The Carter Center: Follow the Money

The financing behind Georgia's Carter Center and the Jimmy Carter Library that raises serious doubts that the former president is, in actuality, a wholly neutral intermediary in the troubled region. NewsMax has reviewed annual reports that indicate millions of charitable dollars have flowed into the center from His Majesty Sultan Qaboss bin Said Al Said of Oman, Jordan, from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and from the Government of the United Arab Emirates. Furthermore, hundreds of thousands of dollars have been donated to the center by the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development. H.R.H. Prince Moulay Hicham Ben Abdallah of Morocco has also contributed tens of thousands of dollars. There are no corresponding contributions apparent from Israeli sources, however. As the center's literature describes, "The Carter Center and the Jimmy Carter Library were built in large measure thanks to the early leadership and financial support of the Carter Center founders. Three of those generous founders:

Agha Hasan Abedi On July 5 1991, banking regulators targeted Abedi's Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), triggering a worldwide financial tidal wave. To date, accountants and lawyers have managed to recoup (discounting fees) $7 billion out of the $12 billion money pit that fueled the BCCI fraud. Agha Hasan Abedi, a banker and self-styled mystic on first-name terms with Carter, created BCCI in 1972. Abedi had charmed seed money out of Arab sheikhs, organizing camel races and hunting trips. The Bank of America bought into BCCI as a way of buying access to the Middle East, holding a 30 percent stake at one point before dumping its holdings in the late-1970s. His Majesty King Fahd of Saudi Arabia Last month Saudi Arabia transferred $15.4 million in advance aid to the Palestinian Authority. The transfer was made to a controversial Arab League fund, a product of the recent Arab summit in Beirut. According to Arab spokesmen, the money was hurriedly contributed due to the dire plight of the Palestinian people as a result of "vicious Israeli aggression. King Fahd, Crown Prince Abdullah and Defense Minister Prince Sultan jointly donated $4.8 million to launch the fund pot, while Interior Minister Prince Nayef bin Abdul Aziz sent an estimated $800,000 to the families of "155 Palestinian martyrs??? killed in the current Israeli offensive. Hasib J. Sabbagh Sabbagh is the chairman of Consolidated Contractors Co. of Oman, Jordan. He is also the Senior Fellow for the Middle East of the Council on Foreign Relations. Founded in 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations is a membership organization contributing ideas to U.S. foreign policy. The Council publishes Foreign Affairs, a leading journal on global issues.

Russian versia
An introduction to MAOF
Haim Goldman

Dear Friends,

Would you believe that the undersigned has anything in common with

-- Professor Victor Davis Hanson (Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University),
-- Dr Charles Krauthammer, (Washington Post, Time, The Weekly Standard),
-- Caroline Glick (Deputy Managing Editor of the Jerusalem Post),
-- Jonathan Tobin (Executive Editor of the Philadelphia Jewish Exponent).

Amazingly, the editors of the MAOF website decided that the missives of the undersigned are worthy of translation and posting along the articles written by these distinguished authors.

The first letter was published without the consent of the undersigned.
However, after thorough examination of the laudable attitude of MAOF and of the excellent contents of the website, the undersigned had most graciously granted his permission for publication of his missives in both English and Russian.

“Analytical Group MAOF” [1] is an organisation founded about ten years ago by Russian-speaking Jewish intellectuals. The attitude of MAOF is definitely pro-Zionist -- unambiguously and unapologetically.

One of MAOF’s primary purposes is providing information and analysis about Middle-Eastern and world affairs as well as about Israel’s history, values and dilemmas. In addition to extensive publication activity in various media, MAOF also organises excursions and seminars. While the vast majority of the contents of the MAOF website is in Russian, texts originally written in English are provided in the original [2] as well as in Russian.

There are arguably about 250 millions of Russian-speakers worldwide and many of them do not read English. The indisputable motivation for the author’s permission was to grant those millions of disadvantaged people the grand benefit of reading the author’s ruminations. If the author is ever maliciously accused that his tacit motivation for authorising the publication was his craving to be listed along with the above-mentioned distinguished writers, his plea will definitely be “nolo contendere”.

The editors of MAOF expressed their gratitude by granting the undersigned a privilege that no other author got – the opportunity to review and correct the Russian translation before publication. The original letters of the undersigned are at [3] and their Russian version is at [4]. At of today, only two letters are posted but several other letters are pending translation.

You are kindly ENCOURAGED TO RECOMMEND the MAOF website to your friends and colleagues worldwide, particularly those who speak Russian. Those who do not enjoy the benefit of proficiency in the exquisite Russian language can find many thought-provoking and inspiring articles about Middle-Eastern and world affairs in the English section [2].


Haim Goldman


[2] section.php3? sid=37&num=25
[3] authorg.php3? id=2107&type=a
[4] authorg.php3? id=2166&type=a