But, when Arab Muslim Terrorists are killed by Israelis, then there is a virtual gusher of stories vomiting out sympathy for the dead Terrorists. Soon they will interview his mother, replete with pictures of a howling fat woman, surrounded by other howling fat women, saying how unfair it was to "Kill the Killer" merely because he murdered Jews.
Add to that the howling of the nations who make up the U.N., the Arab and Muslim nations - with their spokespeople all trained to deny any Arab or Muslim role in such Terror.
Then there is the international Media who like to roam about the world without being kidnaped, tortured or killed so they work hard at appeasing the Muslim Arab world.
In Israel, Arabs and Muslims are free to go almost anywhere and attack the Jewish State in print or TV, assured that they will not be arrested. (I personally would have taken away their identity cards and send them back to their countries of origin.) In Israel Arab Muslims are free to vote, pray, speak - even against the government - and have 10 Arab Muslims in the Israeli Knesset (Parliament) who are not required to pledge their allegiance to the Jewish State.
I just watched a CNN review, claiming they were being "fair" as they loaded their interview with a not subtle tilt to the Hamas Palestinians. When they interviewed Israel's spokesperson, Mark Regev, they walked on his answers, interrupted with other news and, in effect, insured that Israel's position seemed weak.
So much for CNN's fairness in reporting.
Then they went on to interview Cynthia McKinney, former defeated Congresswoman. McKinney was well-known as extremely anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian throughout her term of office. She was on a ship, purportedly carrying some boxes of medical supplies for Hamas in Gaza. Clearly, the ISM (International Solidarity Movement) ship was to create a photo-op, with so-called "Peace Activists" running an Israeli blockade during a war.
The ship was interdicted and damaged. This was NOT a mercy mission but, a propaganda mission, aided by CNN's disinformation.
Then there is the French proposal by French President Nicolas Sarkozy and his foreign minister, Bernard Kouchner for a 48 hour cease-fire, knowing the Hamas would use the time to re-stock and position their rocket launchers. The French have long been accused of being the 'prostitutes' of Europe, always ready to fall on their knees before the enemy. They want Israel to follow their lead.
What will happen if Israel's Defense Minister Ehud Barak and current Prime Minister Ehud Olmert (who resigned but remains in power) accept a 48 hour truce or even one that stretches out longer? Will it take a few weeks, a few months for Hamas to re-gather their forces and re-build their missile and rocket stocks - much the same as Hezb'Allah did in Lebanon after the failed 34 day Lebanon War of Summer 2006?
I do not trust Olmert, Barak, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni or President Shimon Peres because they have shown themselves to be weak and harnessed to foreign interests. Hamas will not go away - nor will their suppliers, Iran and Syria - unless they are roundly defeated. If Barak and Olmert do not complete the mission in a very short time and before the February 10th elections, they should be dragged from their offices as Quislings who are a clear and present danger to the Jewish nation and to world Jewry.
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