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New York Post
April 16, 2003
"One gets the impression that U.S. military dominance is now so overwhelming," writes David Brooks in The Weekly Standard, "that the rules of conflict are being rewritten."

Indeed they are. In both the Afghanistan war of 2001 and the Iraq one now concluding, traditional features of warfare have been turned upside-down. But it's not just an American phenomenon; the same rewriting also applies in Israel's war against the Palestinians.
Some of the changes include:

· Who is the enemy: War used to be aimed against a whole country; during World War II, for example, whole peoples were vilified "Huns," "Japs"). Now, the authorities painstakingly distinguish between the government (the Taliban, Saddam Hussein's regime, Arafat) and the people (Afghans, Iraqis, Palestinians). The former is the enemy; the latter, potentially friendly. This leads to such developments - astounding from the standpoint of traditional warfare - as U.S. planes winging to Afghanistan, simultaneously carrying bombs to destroy the regime and food to relieve the populace.
· Who will win: The outcome of war used to be the overriding question. Nowadays, when it's West vs. non-West, the vast disparity in economics, technology, materiel, training and organization virtually assures a Western victory. This assumed, attention focuses on very different matters, such as the duration of hostilities and the number of casualties.
· Casualties: In the old days each side sought to inflict as many casualties as possible on the enemy; now, Western armies strive to keep down the other sides' losses. In response, non-Western rulers sometimes inflict casualties on their own population. In Iraq, "the defending army attempts to place its own civilians in danger," Mark Bowden notes in the Philadelphia Inquirer, while the invading army "tries to avoid killing and hurting them." Likewise, Arafat's terrorists routinely operate out of residential areas, hoping for civilian casualties.
· Plunder: As recently as 1918, victory in war meant beggaring the loser. Then, starting with the Marshall Plan after World War II, the U.S. government established the precedent of paying for the rehabilitation of its former enemies. This quickly became the norm, to the point that there are many complaints the Bush administration has not done enough for the Afghans or the Sharon government for the Palestinians. For example, Chuck Hagel, a Republican senator from Nebraska, is dissatisfied with U.S. efforts in Afghanistan and demands "more effort and more manpower" there. In Iraq, the American taxpayer may be about to spend tens of billions of dollars.
· Fighting to help the other side: Traditionally, each side fought explicitly for its own interests. No longer: the coalition name for its war against Saddam Hussein is not "Operation No Nukes" or "Operation Cheap Oil" but "Operation Iraqi Freedom." Old notions of national interest would seem to be weakening.
· Rooting for the other side: Nationality once defined loyalties; no longer. Starting with the Boer War of 1899-1902, when the British Empire fought the Afrikaners in South Africa, significant numbers of Westerners oppose the war goals of their own governments. These sentiments contributed significantly to the French loss in Algeria and the U.S. loss in Vietnam. In the war against Saddam Hussein, some Americans and Britons wanted the coalition to lose ("We support our troops when they shoot their officers," read a sign on the streets of San Francisco). Contrarily, plenty of Iraqis wanted the coalition to win "Yes, Yes Bush! Down, Down Saddam!").
In the aggregate, these changes amount to a transformation of warfare. In important ways, Western operations against non-Western states resemble police raids more than warfare. Western governments are the police, local tyrants are the criminals and the subject populations are the victims.

Note the parallels: Like gangland capos, Mullah Omar and Saddam Hussein disappeared (will Arafat be next?). The outcome of these operations is not in doubt. The rights of victims are as important as the safety of police. Not using excessive force is a paramount concern. And the Left goes easy on the criminals.
These shifts imply that Western warfare has changed in basic ways, and is now going into uncharted territory. Fortunately, the two democracies at the cutting edge of this type of fighting, the United States and Israel, have creative and humane militaries that are proving themselves worthy of this challenge.

Russian version
An introduction to MAOF
Haim Goldman

Dear Friends,

Would you believe that the undersigned has anything in common with

-- Professor Victor Davis Hanson (Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University),
-- Dr Charles Krauthammer, (Washington Post, Time, The Weekly Standard),
-- Caroline Glick (Deputy Managing Editor of the Jerusalem Post),
-- Jonathan Tobin (Executive Editor of the Philadelphia Jewish Exponent).

Amazingly, the editors of the MAOF website decided that the missives of the undersigned are worthy of translation and posting along the articles written by these distinguished authors.

The first letter was published without the consent of the undersigned.
However, after thorough examination of the laudable attitude of MAOF and of the excellent contents of the website, the undersigned had most graciously granted his permission for publication of his missives in both English and Russian.

“Analytical Group MAOF” [1] is an organisation founded about ten years ago by Russian-speaking Jewish intellectuals. The attitude of MAOF is definitely pro-Zionist -- unambiguously and unapologetically.

One of MAOF’s primary purposes is providing information and analysis about Middle-Eastern and world affairs as well as about Israel’s history, values and dilemmas. In addition to extensive publication activity in various media, MAOF also organises excursions and seminars. While the vast majority of the contents of the MAOF website is in Russian, texts originally written in English are provided in the original [2] as well as in Russian.

There are arguably about 250 millions of Russian-speakers worldwide and many of them do not read English. The indisputable motivation for the author’s permission was to grant those millions of disadvantaged people the grand benefit of reading the author’s ruminations. If the author is ever maliciously accused that his tacit motivation for authorising the publication was his craving to be listed along with the above-mentioned distinguished writers, his plea will definitely be “nolo contendere”.

The editors of MAOF expressed their gratitude by granting the undersigned a privilege that no other author got – the opportunity to review and correct the Russian translation before publication. The original letters of the undersigned are at [3] and their Russian version is at [4]. At of today, only two letters are posted but several other letters are pending translation.

You are kindly ENCOURAGED TO RECOMMEND the MAOF website to your friends and colleagues worldwide, particularly those who speak Russian. Those who do not enjoy the benefit of proficiency in the exquisite Russian language can find many thought-provoking and inspiring articles about Middle-Eastern and world affairs in the English section [2].


Haim Goldman


[2] section.php3? sid=37&num=25
[3] authorg.php3? id=2107&type=a
[4] authorg.php3? id=2166&type=a