What sort of "freedom fighters" applaud the close-range murder of a
pregnant Israeli woman and her four young daughters?
There is only one correct answer: Palestinian terrorists.
There is, in fact, no other insurgent movement on this persistently
bleeding planet that begins to compare with Arab/Islamic terror.
From the standpoint of sheer, gratuitous barbarism, of a primal evil
that mocks any Palestinian pretension to being a civilized "resistance,"
no other movement even comes close.
What, exactly, is uniquely wrong with the Palestinian orientation to
political violence?
Clearly, the various Palestinian terror groups, many with growing ties
to al-Qaeda, no longer see violence as political at all.
Rather than a means to an end, it has become a genuinely delightful
end in itself, an ecstatic journey into bloodlust carried onward by its
own blatantly sadistic momentum.
Oblivious to any well-publicized political goal, what is it that animates
such primitivism?
Above all, perhaps, it must be understood that for the Palestinian
terrorist, Jewish victims are not to be pitied because - in their particular
Islamic view - Jews (or Christians, for that matter) can never be fully
Its really not all that complicated.
In the recent words of a prominent London-based Muslim cleric, Sheikh
Omar Bakri Muhammad: "We don't make a distinction between civilians and
non-civilians, innocents and non- innocents. Only between Muslims and unbelievers.
Curiously, little or nothing has been said of a most ironic element
of Arab/Islamic terrorism; that is, that certain key roles in organized
murder have been filled by physicians.
Indeed, both Osama Ben Laden's second-in- command in al-Qaeda and the
late Hamas champion of suicide-bombing Abdel Rantisi were PEDIATRICIANS.
How does the child-healer become a child- murderer?
Sometimes quite easily.
Like the Nazi doctors, who were meticulously conditioned to believe
in the biological subhumanity of "the Jews," physicians throughout the
Arab/Islamic world are now taught in the mosques and in the media that
"Jews are the sons and daughters of pigs and monkeys."
For these doctors, Hippocrates increasingly takes a distant second-place
to more soul-satisfying sources of a far more basic allegiance.
Israelis have endured nearly one terror attack every hour of every
day for thirty-nine consecutive months.
These attacks on a country that is half the size of Lake Michigan have
nothing to do with Palestinian "self-determination."
And even if they did, can the cause of a new Palestinian state ever
be sufficiently sacred to warrant wholesale murder of Jewish children -
if not by shooting, as in the latest case of the pregnant Israeli mother
and her four children - then by burning, disembowelment and mutilation?
International law has determinable form and content.
It cannot be invented and reinvented by terror groups merely to accomodate
their own presumed interests.
This is especially the case where terror-violence purposely assaults
infants and children, the quintessentially characteristic signature of
Hamas, Fatah, Islamic Jihad and their many Palestinian spinoffs.
Nonetheless, the world usually chooses not to notice.
At best, public opinion refuses to blame the Palestinians or supporters
of Arab/Islamic terror in other countries.
At worst, public opinion even supports such terror as a justifiable
opposition to an alleged "occupation."
In shameless continuance of two-thousand years of orchestrated Jew
hatred, this position sanctimoniously condemns Israel's building a fence
to protect itself from child murderers, but wholly ignores the murderers
who make the fence indispensable.
American universities, at best, are unmindful.
The learned scholars are generally busy with more weighty matters,
especially those that do not pertain to real life in any way. Understandably,
there is no time for terror victims' agony, anguish and suffering - especially
for the cries of Jewish children in Israel.
Who, precisely, is to blame for barbaric forms of Arab/Islamic terror?
If the Palestinians are to be blamed at all, we hear from most educated
quarters, responsibility belongs only to Hamas, or to Islamic Jihad, or
perhaps to Nobel peace laureate Arafat's Fatah.
But surely it does not belong to the broader Palestinian community.
Surely only the Arab "extremists" and "militants" are blameworthy.
Yet, as we learn from all reliable survey research, an enormously disproportionate
share of Palestinians fully supports the bombings, the burnings, the lynchings,
and the shootings of Jewish noncombatants.
And why not?
Most nations argue that this "occupied" people may wage their particular
armed struggle "by any means necessary."
Even better, Palestinian "martyrs" believe that the killing of Jews
always buys them and their families a secure place in Paradise.
The barbarous cowardice of the Palestinian terrorist is unparalleled
in the history of insurgent warfare.
Although there is no shortage of examples of revolutionary fighters
who disregard humanitarian boundaries in battle, the record of fighters
who deliberately and consistently seek utterly innocent and fragile targets
is actually very small.
Several months ago, when a Palestinian terrorist machine gunned two
Jewish infants still sucking on pacifiers (after repeatedly stabbing the
mother), the image of the murdered children was a source of feverish exaltation
throughout the Palestinian communities in Jenin, Ramallah and Gaza.
When, a year earlier, a newborn Jewish child was shot deliberately
by a sniper, Palestinian celebrants hailed the murder as "yet another military
victory against the Zionist occupation."
When, several years ago, two Russian-Jewish Israelis who had not yet
learned to speak Hebrew took a wrong turn into Ramallah, they were torn
apart - literally - by howling mobs.
When, after blinding and disfiguring the two Israelis, several young
men in a Palestinian "police station" held up the still-dripping eyes and
internal organs for all to see, THOUSANDS of ordinary people began to dance
and chant wildly.
And when, on August 19, 2003, an aspiring "martyr" entered a Jerusalem
bus, he waited, patiently, until it was fully loaded with schoolchildren
and their mothers. Only then, only then - did he turn his wretchedly defiled
body into a bomb.
There is one last point.
The incomparable cruelty of the Palestinian terrorist is sometimes
also related to this murderer's overwhelming death fear.
The suicide/homicide bomber does not feel that he (or she) is giving
up his or her own life in the murderous deed.
On the contrary, he murders defenseless Jews precisely to ensure his
absolute freedom from death.
By choosing to "die" for the "will of God" both he and his closest
relatives can live forever. What cowardice could be easier to understand.
Louis Rene Beres is Professor of International Law in the Department
of Political Science at Purdue University. He is the author of many books
and articles on terrorism and international law.
This article appeared in the Jewish Press (
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