
Nov 22nd
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Звезда не активнаЗвезда не активнаЗвезда не активнаЗвезда не активнаЗвезда не активна
European support for the fictitious Palestinian people has long been a fanade for anti-Semitism. This Jew-hatred has burst forth in all its ugliness since the Sharon Government took the offensive against Palestinian Arab terrorism.

In contrast, notice the support Israel has received from a very large majority of the American people.  Unfortunately, this pro-Israel attitude cannot be said of the American State Department, whose highly educated policy makers have been tainted by the university-bred doctrine of moral relativism, otherwise known as “moral equivalence.”  Like European socialists, the State Department is dominated by internationalists; both hate Israel.  Both see in the Jewish state religiosity and particularism, the only serious competitor to atheism and internationalism.

The American State Department does not really represent America, which is basically religious.  America still harbors, attenuated of course, the Puritan ethic.  The Puritans very much identified with the “Old Testament,” as do countless Evangelical Christians.  In contrast, most Europeans identify with the New Testament, which, as even Christian clergymen have admitted, is the original source of anti-Semitism.

It should be emphasized, however, that anti-Semitism is not simply a negative phenomenon.  Jew-hatred also serves a positive world-historical function, which is to disabuse Jews who have succumbed to the blandishments of secular humanism and democracy.  Jews know that Europe is the home of humanism, that Europe is democratic.  But now they see how Europe supports Yasser Arafat’s Palestinian Authority, which is anything but humanist or democratic.

Israel’s political and intellectual elites nonetheless pride themselves as being humanists, and they habitually boast of Israel being “the only democracy in the Middle East.”  These assimilated Jews dominate the media along with Israel’s political, educational, and cultural institutions. They have secularized countless youth.  This process of assimilation, however, is being reversed, and not only by the Jew-hatred that has erupted in Europe. The savage Jew-hatred manifested by the Palestinian Arabs and their widespread support among Israeli Arabs have awakened many Jews from their humanistic and democratic slumbers.  No less than 46% openly advocate “transfer,” and this number will increase as more Jews realize that peaceful coexistence with these Jew-hating Arabs is impossible.

More and more Jews will therefore return to the Torah.  We are witnessing the prophesy of Ezekiel:  “That which comes into your mind shall not be at all; in that you say, ‘We shall be as the nations...’”  While the prophet is obviously referring to assimilation, he is also suggesting that Israel is metaphysically incapable of becoming like the nations.  Let us try to understand this.

If we examine the language of public discourse in Israel, the one term that dominates all others and less subject to questioning than any religious dogma, is “Democracy.”  This term permeates the intellect and arouses the emotions of the educated even more than the uneducated.  It endows Israel’s ruling elites with respectability and legitimacy; it has replaced Zionism as the sole justification for Israel’s existence.

But now Israel is not only being vilified by the democracies of Europe; its very existence is threatened by the democratic principle of one/adult one vote, the principle that has allowed Arab Knesset members to incite Arabs to kill Jews, the principle that will enable Israel’s Arab citizens to outnumber Jews and transform “the only democracy in the Middle East” into an Arab-Islamic despotism!

This democratic principle makes Israel’s disloyal Arab citizens politically equal to Jews who fight for Israel’s existence.  This political equality is nothing less than a manifestation of moral equivalence, the same moral equivalence that prompts Europeans to place Arab terrorists on the same level as their Jewish victims!

More and more Jews are seeing this.  More and more Jews will see that the abomination of moral equivalence actually underlies Israel’s political system, a system based on the egalitarian principle of one adult/one vote.

And so anti-Semitism will teach Jews that the State of Israel, based as it is on that moral equivalence, must perish if Israel is to live.