
Feb 23rd
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A Letter to the Prime Minister of Israel Ariel Sharon: The Israeli government bears the responsibility for the possible bloodshed during deportation. (commentary)

Mr. Ariel Sharon,

We are extremely worried by the methods which the government of Israel is using to convert its political plans into reality. We are referring in particular to the so-called “ Disengagement” project and, in general, to the whole attitude of the government to the country’s right-wing opposition.

1)We know for certain about the agent-provocateur role of Avishai Raviv, member of the Israeli Security Service, who , in collaboration with the State radio and TV, has created false right-wing extremist organizations in order to portray the right-wing YESHA settlers as striving for violence; all this being done for the sole purpose of making certain groups of Jews hate other groups and setting Israeli society against the settlers.
For none of those loathsome activities was A. Raviv blamed in court (to say nothing of the fact that the part A. Raviv had possibly played in planning the murder of Prime Minister I. Rabin was not ever investigated ) We therefore have reason to fear that forces in the Israeli Security Service are bound to use such practices for the struggle against Jewish inhabitants of Gush-Katif.

2) We assume that those extremist forces in the Security Service are planning to use the agents they sent into Gush Katif and Northern Shomron settlements for opening fire on soldiers or policemen. That would shock society and thus would give legitimacy for mass violence against the inhabitants of the settlements.

Even members of the Knesset openly speak of such a danger. For example, in an interview for the Channel 7 radio member of the Knesset Arye Eldad (Moledet/Ihud Leumi fraction) stated the following:

“It looks like Ariel Sharon is in a need of provocation to get legitimacy for shedding Jewish blood. The national trauma in that case, as our Prime Minister sees it, would be so great that Jews wouldn’t dare to continue the struggle for any part of Eretz-Israel, be it for Beit-El, Ophra or Jerusalem.”,7340,L-3053353,00.html

No explanation nor reaction to that statement has come from the side of the Israeli government and we therefore suspect that you are in fact interested in just the above-described course of events..

In our view, the intentions of your supporters and subordinates to use stool-pigeons for opening fire at the police to discredit people protesting in a legitimate way, are quite inadmissible.

Not much time has passed since Moshe Karadi, general police inspector, declared the existence of information about a halachic verdict issued by certain Rabbis, according to which settlers may use weapons against non-Jewish soldiers coming to evacuate them by force.Soon afterwards the forgery was discovered. Both the judicial adviser of SHABAK Security Service and Minister for inner security Gideon Ezra denied such information.

However, following this dangerous provocation the Beduin Sheikh, religious authority of the Beduin community in Israel, who had served for 11 years in the Israel Defence Army, issued a religious resolution which orders Beduin soldiers and policemen to fire at Jews threatening them during the deportation.,7340,L-3053327,00.html

And this provocation is not the only one. Thus, according to a
Channel 7 report dated March 27th, 2005, the Chairman of the Settlements Council told right-wing activists to beware of stool-pigeons from the police:

In connection with the current investigation of a serious incident, Benzi Liberman, Chairman of the Council of Settlements in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip, warns of the danger of SHABAK agent-provocateurs among right-wing activists. Liberman calls on right-wingers to lodge a complaint to the police against anyone suspected of doing this.

Interviewed by our correspondent Hagay Huberman, Liberman said: “I fear that Sharon’s government is trying to infiltrate stool-pigeons in settlements to make our struggle look illegitimate”

Liberman reminds us of the fact that the sticker “Sharon, Lily’s waiting for you” had been created by a police agent – the so-called “police champagne” – who had been living in Efrat settlement in Gush-Etzion. pagename=JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull&cid=1111980177471

Details soon emerged: a stool-pigeon had been trying to sell some grenades
to the Council of Settlements in Judea, Samaria and Gaza in order to arrange a terror attack for the purpose of “stopping the disengagement”.
. But when press-secretary of the Council of Settlements, Emily Amrussy, decided to arrange a press-conference to tell the press about that incident, the police forbade it from taking place.

We know that many extremist ideologists of the left have long been developing the idea of using weapons against settlers and are not ashamed of calling for a civil war. For instance, secretary of Shalom Achshav– a radical left movement – Yariv Oppenheimer said during a demonstration in Tel-Aviv, on March 19th, 2005:
“…If they start a civil war, a civil war it will be! We’re ready for a civil war!” 49

We fear that extremist forces in the Security Service are planning to put those monstrous ideas into practice.

3)We are extremely disturbed by the fact that there is no competition in Israeli media; that independent TV channels are forbidden (while the existing official State channels are under full control of left-wing ideologists); that, in addition, the last opposing radio channel in the country has been abolished, depriving citizens of the right to get pluralistic information and of freedom of speech. Such a situation questions the status of Israel as a democracy.

4)We are also deeply worried by the widely known facts of your administration’s official representatives being involved in commercial projects, the success of which depends on the realization of your plans for unilateral separation, this being a flagrant example of a conflict of interests.

According to all of the above, we suspect your administration of aiming at provoking violence, and, possibly, even a fratricidal conflict, to achieve your political and economical goals, shifting the responsibility for that on to your political opponents. We would like to state that we won’t let you cheat us. In the case of bloodshed, no matter how it is presented to the public, you will be the one fully responsible for it and for its consequences, as a Prime Minister whose goals are being achieved by means completely contradictory both to Jewish norms of rights and morality and to the rights and morality of any civilized society.


The Subject for E-Mails: The Israeli government bears the responsibility for the possible bloodshed during deportation.

Addresses for the open letter
An introduction to MAOF
Haim Goldman

Dear Friends,

Would you believe that the undersigned has anything in common with

-- Professor Victor Davis Hanson (Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University),
-- Dr Charles Krauthammer, (Washington Post, Time, The Weekly Standard),
-- Caroline Glick (Deputy Managing Editor of the Jerusalem Post),
-- Jonathan Tobin (Executive Editor of the Philadelphia Jewish Exponent).

Amazingly, the editors of the MAOF website decided that the missives of the undersigned are worthy of translation and posting along the articles written by these distinguished authors.

The first letter was published without the consent of the undersigned.
However, after thorough examination of the laudable attitude of MAOF and of the excellent contents of the website, the undersigned had most graciously granted his permission for publication of his missives in both English and Russian.

“Analytical Group MAOF” [1] is an organisation founded about ten years ago by Russian-speaking Jewish intellectuals. The attitude of MAOF is definitely pro-Zionist -- unambiguously and unapologetically.

One of MAOF’s primary purposes is providing information and analysis about Middle-Eastern and world affairs as well as about Israel’s history, values and dilemmas. In addition to extensive publication activity in various media, MAOF also organises excursions and seminars. While the vast majority of the contents of the MAOF website is in Russian, texts originally written in English are provided in the original [2] as well as in Russian.

There are arguably about 250 millions of Russian-speakers worldwide and many of them do not read English. The indisputable motivation for the author’s permission was to grant those millions of disadvantaged people the grand benefit of reading the author’s ruminations. If the author is ever maliciously accused that his tacit motivation for authorising the publication was his craving to be listed along with the above-mentioned distinguished writers, his plea will definitely be “nolo contendere”.

The editors of MAOF expressed their gratitude by granting the undersigned a privilege that no other author got – the opportunity to review and correct the Russian translation before publication. The original letters of the undersigned are at [3] and their Russian version is at [4]. At of today, only two letters are posted but several other letters are pending translation.

You are kindly ENCOURAGED TO RECOMMEND the MAOF website to your friends and colleagues worldwide, particularly those who speak Russian. Those who do not enjoy the benefit of proficiency in the exquisite Russian language can find many thought-provoking and inspiring articles about Middle-Eastern and world affairs in the English section [2].


Haim Goldman


[2] section.php3? sid=37&num=25
[3] authorg.php3? id=2107&type=a
[4] authorg.php3? id=2166&type=a